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Wellness's News
Payment Options
We understand that each human-pet family is different, just like each pet has its own unique personality, each family can provide different level of pet care; therefore, we tailor our treatment to give the best possible outcome and a sense of comfort and wellbeing to the owners, knowing that they are doing all they can in their comfort zone.
That’s the reason we will always work with you to provide a detailed accurate estimate of costs, and we can tailor treatments to fit varying budgets. We aim remain our price in highly transparent and fair so that pet owners can always choose the best treatment options for their pets.
If you would like an estimate for your pets, for a procedure not on the list please call 2572 2088 to discuss.
*Additional fees may be charged for additional hospitalization, further investigations and additional procedures if necessary.
All questions about the patient's treatment fees should be addressed with the clinician at the initial consultation, and arrangements may be finalized with reception following your session. The treatment's VAT included estimate will be given on the treatment permission form that you will be required to sign.
Please keep in mind that any estimates given to you by the clinician are simply estimates, and the cost of therapy may vary depending on what further medicine or treatment the patient requires. Our professionals always have the patient's best interests in mind.
Payment methods
We accept payment by cash, credit card (Visa , Master, UnionPay), EPS, PayMe, WeChat PayHK, AliPayHK and Tap & Go.
* The cost for a veterinary consultation is $300.
* Medication and blood examination are extra.
* Please make your appointment by call or online, an extra charge will apply for walk-in, referral or emergency cases.
* Full payment of outstanding invoices is required at the time of discharge from the clinic, and for ongoing cases, we require a 50% deposit and daily settlement of outstanding balance.