In this section
The Team
We have a team of 17 Orthopaedic, Neurology, Oncology and Soft Tissue clinicians supported by six residents and a vast team of interns.
Meet the Team

How do I get referred?
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Why Fitzpatrick Referrals?
We provide referral level care for orthopaedic, neurology, oncology and soft tissue presentations 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, and we make these five promises to each and every patient and their families:- We promise to work with every family towards achieving the best possible quality of life for their animal family member
- We promise to respect the emotional needs and financial constraints of our clients and support them in their time of making and coping with difficult decisions, whilst providing them with the fullest possible information to make informed choices.
- We promise to support our professional colleagues in every way we can at all times and will ensure that they remain fully informed. Our referring practitioners will remain integral to the care team for the patient to maintain continuity of care.
- We promise to uphold the strictest code of moral and ethical conduct for the betterment of our patients and our profession at all times.
- We promise never to advise intervention purely because it is possible, but only where it is warranted and justified. We take seriously our responsibility to judge the fine line between suffering with hope of recovery where pain can be relieved and suffering when it is best to say goodbye to a beloved friend.